Info and Contact

I'm a 24 year old Video Editor, Photographer, 3D Artist and Filmmaker based in Barcelona. I have experience working as QA Tester and as a Video Editor.

  • Barcelona (Spain)
  • 619 26 27 97
  • roger.sanchezmarch@hotmail.es

Professional Experience

Quality Assurance Expert


Filmin, Barcelona, Spain

I love cinema and working at Filmin is my absolute provilege. I work to ensure that everything at Filmin has excellence standards, everything works fine and minimizing problems among collegues and users.

Uplay Online QA Lead


Uplay Online, Barcelona, Spain

My role as a QA Lead for the IBM22 at Uplay Online was managing the QA team. Of course I had to daily test the game in PC and mobile devices. Also I was responsible for finding and reporting bugs as well as managing the game Data Base.

Digital Legends QA Intern


Digital Legends Entretainment, Barcelona, Spain

My role as a QA in DL was testing the daily updates of their mobile games. Also I was responsible for findind and reporting bugs in Heroes, Afterpulse and Respawnables.

Directors Of Dialog Fundsraising


Directors Of Dialog, Barcelona, Spain

This was my first job. I learnt a lot about selling and persuading as well as soft skills such as public speaking as well as non-verval communication and listening to customers.


Degree in Videogame Design & Development

2016 - 2021

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

The most important thing I learnt was teaching myself, working things out on my own and most importantly team work. I focused mainly on 3D art and game design, I've got knowledge on Unreal Engine and Unity.

Profesional Music Production Course

2018 - 2019

Sonopro, Barcelona, Spain

I combined this with the videogame degree because I couldn't resist learning about one of my biggest passions. I used the skills I learnt in Sonopro to produce my own record with my rock band as well as other personal projects in which I'm currently working on.

Batxillerat Cientific (High School)

2014 - 2016

Escola Palcam, Barcelona, Spain

What I take from those crazy teenage times is most importantly friends and experiences rather than actual textbook knowledge. I made a plan of who I wanted to be. Without a goal you can't score.

Some Photos


discu_1 discu_2 discu_3

Game Design

Fantasy Brawl

Project 2 UPC

Commando Recreation

Project 1 UPC

Golden Idol

Tutorial Level Design

Cemetery Gates

Player Guidance Laberynth

The Platform

Hammer Editor Level

Habemus Morbus

Unreal One Page Dungeon

2020: A Space Portal

Portal 2 Editor Levels

Crazy Teeth

Barcelona Games World Jam

Bubble Ball

UPC Game Jam